Filming In The Woods

I and my groupmates completed our first day of filming. I met up with them at Hugh Taylor Birch State Park. This park had wookds that my gorup made use of. I made sure my group got the filming done early in the morning because I had plans later in the day. To make up for this I met my groupmates at 9 A.M. I had until 2 P.M to finish filming for the day. So my group got to work. I had the help of other people who were not in the group too. For example, I asked one of my classmates, Addison, to act for us. This was so that Julie could use the camera. Julie knows how to use the camera better than anyone so it ended up working out. Another person that helped me with filming by being an actor was my Father. He played the perfect role as the creepy old man in our script. I brought a notebook with all the types of shots we needed. As well as my group's stroyboard. I got most of my group's filming done in this time period. It all went smoothly. All I have to do now is shoot a couple scenes in an alternate location. This will be mentioned in my next blog. This media shows a segment from our filming. 


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