Filming Day 3 at Sofia's!
Now it is time to film one last time. Well at least hopefully. Today I am at Sofia's house to finish the last part of my filming. Barring any mistakes found in editing, this should be the last time my group films. This filming session may be one of the most important ones yet. The most action and and essential part of my short film occur here. I and Beckett need to throw toilet paper at Sofia's house. While that may sound crazy, it lines up with our story. So, my group got started. Just as previously done before I planned out everything before starting to film. Again a list was made of what will be done in what order. Along with specific details needed for each scene. A costume change was needed for me and Beckett. Both of us wore dark, conspicuous clothing. Also, I decided to film at a later time, so it would be dark enough to fit the genre of my film, mystery. There were not too many scenes to film at Sofia's house so I and my group got it done quickly. I was finally finished with filming. At least I hope so. In production, I may see that a re-film of certain scenes is needed, and that will be planned accordingly. But overall I am happy, but kind of sad that the filming is over. Now it is time to get editing. This picture shows all the toilet paper that was used on Sofia's house.
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