How do your products represent social groups or issues?
My product is a demonstration and representation of many broad social dilemmas. These broad dilemmas can be narrowed down into smaller, more specific topics. My short film, “Wrongdoings” broadly represents those who believe in upper powers, karma, and good Samaritans. I will get into more detail about each of these as I continue to express how my product applies to each of these categories. Being a good person has always been a morale that everyone believes everyone else should follow. But it is not as easy as it sounds to follow the “golden rule.” My product reinforces the fact that you should treat others how you would want to be treated. While this may sound even childish, it is in fact something that if followed by everyone, would make society a lot more productive. This is a great social issue, especially in my country, the United States. Mass amounts of violent hate crimes have been on the uprising, and my product shows that there should be consequences so these actions, but also that these things should never be done or happen in the first place. Those who believe in upper religious powers are also represented in my product. As it is believed in many religions, a God or Gods are always watching your every move. In turn, those who believe should not commit mischief as they will receive a punishment of some sort, which is represented in my product. Having good and bad karma is a belief that many people have. It encourages people to do the right thing and believe as if they will be rewarded so doing so. Both good and bad karma are showcased in my product. Overall, my product represents many different groups
and perspectives.
How do the elements of your production work together to create a sense of ‘branding’?
In order for my product to have its own original branding, I made the cover picture that is seen all over my social media and website platforms myself. This picture was made using artificial intelligence, so It was most definitely original. I also used the same fonts, colors, and similar layouts to complement my product. This made my product distinguishable and true to me. Everything came together as one. Using the same fonts, images, and color scheme all gave my product its specific brand to it. This brand is seen all over my film, my website, as well as my multitude of social media accounts. These social media accounts have constant posting to keep the audience engaged. In order to get closer to the audience, a sense of personal feel was created on the social media account as well as the websites. For example, a “Cast & Crew” section on our website allows the audience to get to know me and my group as people. On social media, whilst keeping a professional tone, I was still able to make it feel as if the audience is one with the crew. The postcard that I and my groupmates created also follows the theme of our film, keeping the same “branded” font and giving off a mystery feel, which fits with my genre.
Reaching and connecting with the audience came into consideration when choosing the pitch. I wanted to make a product that the audience could relate to, so there came Wrongdoings. The audience of my product can easily relate to my product. In my short film, there is a clear lesson to be learned. This lesson relates to karma, doing the right thing, and overall being a Good Samaritan. These are all things the audience can relate to, as people should inspire to be good people and can relate to doing the right thing. My audience may also relate to being a teenager and doing rebellious things but having to pay the price for doing so. The message is clearly seen in the short film and is also conveyed all across the Wrongdoings social media platforms. The audience should take away from my product that the right thing should always be done, even if it looks as if nobody is watching. The mystery genre comes into play with the message trying to be conveyed. In a hypothetical situation, one may not know or think they are being watched, whether they are being watched by an upper being, another person, or being recorded, what should be taken away is that someone is always watching so the right thing should always be done. My groupmates and I want to make that clear and connect with our audience to let them know of this important value they should carry with them.
How did your research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?
My product challenges and uses conventions in many different styles and ways. It all starts from the beginning. I was able to do my research, starting broad to see how short films were even made. This gave me a base “foundation” or layout to start with. I was able to follow the conventions of a short film in my foundation while creating a pitch. This meant having a clear antagonist, a clear beginning, a middle as well as a clear ending. I wanted the film to make sense while still conveying a message. Once I had a foundation and created a pitch, I got into the creation of a short film. This all-followed convention with the classic storyboard outlines each and every shot. The screenplay was also very conventional and straightforward. The mystery genre was followed by creating a sense of “why?”. Wrongdoings make the audience think and wonder about what the title even means as well as what the film will be about. The darker colors, conspicuous music, certain low and high camera angles, and more. On the other hand, I started to challenge conventions with some differences. The film was released on YouTube, which is not the normality that would be a theatre or a film festival. All in all, I wanted to make sure that the message was to get across, in my short film package, it got across in a conventional manner and I am so ever proud of it.
Thank you, Media Studies, for teaching me perspectives I have never been able to see before and even being able to apply them.
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