Finishing Touches

Now that I have gotten feedback on my film, I have more work to do. As I said in my previous blog, my psychology teacher watched my film. She gave me some critiques that I could change. So I thanked her and decided that I would meet with my group today. And that is where I am right now. I am with my group and ready to fix any critiques given to me by my teacher. One of the critiques that I was given was our titles. They came onto the screen in a chunky way, and the design could be improved. In order to fix this, my group tested out some new designs. The designs were already looking much better. They fit in and contrasted with the background very nicely. But the problem is that they were flowing incorrectly. So I looked at my AS-Level final task and took some inspiration from there. It easily allowed my group to see how the titles should flow in. And now it was looking better than ever. There was another critique that my first viewer gave me, and that was the transitions. This is a...